What is the recipe for lemon douche — iVillage. Vaginal Candida Infections - Candida Plan. Garlic Juice Enema Recipe & Douche Recipe.
Removing Skunk Odor: Home Remedies & Recipes You. Cure Bacterial Vaginosis: Natural Remedies for BV! - Earth Clinic.
I thought I remember reading 1/2 cup of water to 1tsp of lemon juice. anyone tell me what the recipe is for the the lemon homemade douche. Here are several home remedies and recipes for removing skunk odor from yourself, your To a certain extent, acidic products like tomato juice, lemon juice, and vinegar can. You can buy any kind of women's douche and it helps instantly. I have a douche bottle that I purchesed from my local drug store. I unpeel a garlic clove, put a few stab holes in it to release the healing juices and insert it in my. Drinking extra virgin olive oil and lemon water to take care of that business.
Fertility Douches - Fertility Spells - EverythingUndertheMoon
Here's recipe that some have used with great success: 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide Lemon DoucheYou will need half a lemon and 1 L of water. Squeeze all the juice out of the lemon and mix into the water. Use a filter to remove any extra. Or prepare the enema solution with 1 to 2 ounces of lemon juice or wheat grass in place of the garlic juice, or fill the enema bag with plain distilled water.
Baking Soda Douche Recipe
Bad/douche on Pinterest, 24 Pins. Introduction and swaying tips - BabyCenter. It is up to you to find the right 'recipe' or 'path' that will be your attempt for a girl. Lime douche and refresh are being used to sway for a girl. juice ( very high Na and K, low Ca and Mg), Pineapple J, lemon j, and apple j.
Kitchen witch recipes for vaginal imbalances & infections. Natural Spermicide: Homemade Spermicides.

Lime Douche and Tampon? - BabyFit. com - SparkPeople.
Do-It-Yourself Recipe popular homemade spermicide recipes involves aloe vera gel and lemon juice. Soft Drinks as Post-Coital Douches. DIY Sugar Scrub tips, recipes, and instructions on how to use your own Dip a cotton ball into the lemon juice and baking soda solution and apply it to your. So, supposedly if I douche with lime it will sway odds for a girl and then you are i actually googled lime juice douches and a lot of results came up for lemon and lime douches used. Do any of you have the recipe or ratio.
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